Category: Thermal Insulation

COVID-19 Update: How NEO Is Supporting Customer Service During The COVID-19 Crisis?

We’ve been around talking to our people today and the environment is very buoyant. NEO’s people are glad to be back at work again and serve you with extra safe services.

A little bit apprehensive of course they are, but you can see all people are getting return into the swing of working. They’re getting used to social distancing.

We assure you that the working environment and atmosphere at the NEO is completely fantastic during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Everybody is happy to provide excellent customer service again.

The course of Action To Prevent The Spread Of COVID-19 Pandemic With Supporting Customer Service

The unpredictability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has tremendously impacted distinct business cycles across the world. We are taking higher precautions for the protection of people and to reduce the chances of an increase of COVID-19 disease by following simple steps as mentioned below.

1  The initial step is, we ask our associates to check their body temperature when they’re at home because we know that temperature’s a vital indicator of this disease.

2. We have installed thermal cameras so we can check our employees’ temperatures when they come for services throughout the day.

3. Every one of our associates has access to full PPE to make them feel comfortable with coming back to work, including the safety visor. We’ve been producing these ourselves, and we’ve made sure every single person has access.

4. We put the safety of our NEO’s family and customers prior.

5. We provide sanitizer, and alcohol-based hand washes to clean hands often. All you know is that washing your hands with soap and sanitizer for at least 20 seconds, kills the viruses that may be present on your hands.

6. We, at the NEO, maintain the social distancing for a minimum of 1 meter while designing and manufacturing thermal insulation sheet material. So, if someone is having health issues like sneezing, cough, or at the time of speaking, your body should not come in contact with droplets, which may contain viruses.

7. NEO is advising the customers to stay at home with no worries. We deliver NEO products to your doorstep without any trouble.

8. Additionally, we are using a face mask and gloves to take extra precautions. It is advisable for NEO’s people not to touch the nose, eyes, ears, and mouth. These are the most important places viruses can enter into your body.

9. We are also offering the best packaging services for each order made at NEO.

10. It is recommended to the NEO’s people and its customers to follow the extra respiratory hygiene. All you need to wash your hands with running water regularly.

11. Immediately dispose of the used tissue. By doing this, you can protect all nearby people with infection.

12. Now, we are reaching out to our customers by delivering and providing the best NEO and installation services at their doorstep.

13. We offer our services through different digital mediums to the customers.

14. Furthermore, we are sanitizing each product at every milestone as well as after the final packaging of product material.

15. We promise our customers to give the best quality of the materials generated and constructed by NEO.

16. Importantly, we are dealing with the latest technical aspects, which makes every single requirement more beneficial.

17. Our experts are always happy to serve you better in all parts of material designing to delivery, as well as with the most important specifications, requirements, and queries during this COVID-19 pandemic situation.

18. In the end, we advise our customers to stay at home. Although we promise to give the best services and delivery at your doorstep. Stay safe.


  • Avoid close contacts with the sick person or those who are having cold or cough.
  • Also, if you’re feeling sick, it’s better to stay at home.
  • Always cover your mouth and face if you cough or sneeze.
  • Stay at home quarantine, if you’re feeling sick. There’s still no vaccine available for COVID-19 disease. So, this is the one single way to prevent or stop other people from getting sick.
  • It is importantly advisable to clean your regularly usable things for example doorknobs, tables, light switches, watches, the pen with some soap and water or sanitizer.
  • You can also use different high-quality screen cleaners for your cell phones, tablets, and laptops.
  • Wash your hands before eating anything and after coughing or sneezing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds immediately.
  • Always use quality sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.


  • Do not share food or drinks.
  • Do not share your personally used face mask and gloves.
  • Also, if there is the shared washroom, all you need to use separate towels which are regularly washed and cleaned.
  • Don’t touch any body part like mouth, eyes, nose, lips, ears when you’re outside or at any public place.
  • Do not go near to anyone who is feeling sick.

Above all are the measures to prevent the spreading of COVID-19 pandemic.

We assure you to give the best in class strong as well as safe services with quality installation, delivery, product packaging to our customers with doorstep delivery by NEO thermal insulation.

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!

What’s the Difference Between Thermal Insulation and Thermal Mass?

Insulation and thermal mass are the terms related to thermal insulation for home. But people often get confused between both these terms thermal insulation and thermal mass. So knowing the difference will not only help you understand about them but also will make you decide between the use of their combination or only one to prepare a more substantial and effective solution. Both are used to control the temperature inside a house throughout the seasons but work in a completely different way. Their use will not only help you in saving money on the long term basis and increase overall energy efficiency.

We are here to answer the basic difference between thermal mass and insulation to help you decide accordingly and protect your home.

Thermal Mass

Thermal Mass is a specific material with the ability to absorb but also store and radiate heat energy. In a home, you can find these materials in the form of masonry like brick, concrete, adobe, rammed earth, and earthbags. To help you understand thermal mass, besides explaining thermal heat formulas and equations which are not meant to common people. I would like to explain it using a simple example.

If you are having an old uninsulated adobe house. The walls will simply soak up the heat during the day and channel the heat through the wall at a rate of 1 inch per hour. When the wall is fully charged like a battery by the end of the day, it will start emitting heat to the interior and keep it warm overnight. While in the night walls started getting cooler from outside at the rate of 1 inch per hour and radiated it into the house during the day. The cycle keeps on repeating and maintains room temperature. People have figured out this amazing physics a very long time ago.

Thermal mass can also be understood as the thermal admittance because both are proportionally related. Actually, it is the capability of absorbing and releasing heat. The higher thermal admittance results in higher thermal mass. Other than this, thermal mass can also be explained through the material density (higher density means higher thermal mass). While the thermal conductivity is calculated based on the heat travel through the material. For example, the materials like stone, brick, concrete, gypsum plaster and water hold high thermal mass. Whereas, the materials like timber, steel or mineral fibre insulation possess low thermal mass.

Read now:- Importance of Insulation in Poultry House

Thermal Insulation

The insulation can be understood as the ability of a material to slow down the transfer of heat energy and maintain the temperature between inside and outside. This ability to maintain heat energy is decided based on R- and U-values of the material. The materials like foam, fibreglass, loose-fill, or any other reflective materials, provide thermal insulation for home.

Proper insulation can safeguard your home from drastic weather and temperature changes throughout the year. So choose insulation material sensibly because all products are not meant for every part of your home. Like insulation for the floor uses different material as compared to the roof or cavity wall.

Homes built using structural insulated panels are the best example of thermal insulation. Such houses have walls manufactured with big foam pieces sandwiched between specific sheathing formed by engineers like oriented strand board (OSB). These panels with mostly foam form an extremely tight super-insulated shell which results in no air transmission to keep the room temperature unchanged.

Read now:- Advantage and Benefits of Thermal Insulation

Which one to choose-Thermal mass and Insulation?

The decision between choosing thermal mass and insulation depends on the temperature fluctuations outside. If you want to maintain a stable, constant temperature inside the home as compared to the stable, constant temperature outside but comparatively higher than the inside temperature. You should go with the thermal insulation because it will prevent additional heat emission inside and will maintain a proper difference between outside and inside temperature. In this case, if you choose thermal mass it will soak out heat and eventually release inside which will equalize temperature both outside and inside the home. So basically thermal insulation is an ideal choice since it prevents overheating in the day time and overcooling during the night.

What if you choose the best of both-thermal mass and insulation?

If you have ever noticed an old adobe, you should be aware of how it regulates temperature and gets cold in the winter after a series of cold sunless days. Whereas a super-insulated home completely depends on artificial heating and cooling systems to control the air temperature.

So the combination of thermal mass and insulation will be the most practical solution. Because it will provide complete insulation but you have to rely on cooling and heating devices you are going to use.

The combination of thermal mass and insulation is often considered as passive solar design. It provides a comfortable space to live in where heat and cool manages itself naturally without any artificial heating and cooling systems. It results in the reduction of heating and cooling bills and preserves natural resources as well.

Insulation: Why Needed For Preventive and Proactive Maintenance

Machines, they are just like humans. If you want a man to work for long, you have to keep up his energy, provide him proper rest. Same goes with machines. With regular maintenance they can be your best investment. Machines take longer to fix once they are start malfunctioning due to poor maintenance. Thermal insulation is one of the important parts of carrying out proper maintenance. With proper maintenance you can prevent all the problems about to occur in the near future. This way you are saving yourself a big fortune for self and protecting your investment.

Read: – Advantage of thermal insulation

What is Preventive Maintenance?

Preventive maintenance is like taking record of data of the machine when it was new and good. We can say that equipment are in top shape when they first to the work station. In this data record you have to record the data of the resistance shown in by machines/ instruments. If the value of the insulation resistance is consistent shows that the device is still in good shape. But if there is any kind of decrease in insulation resistance then it is a bad news for the equipment. This indicates that you might run into trouble in the near future.

How Preventive Maintenance Benefits?

Beating the Time:

Without preventive maintenance equipment can only run for a fixed time period that is sometimes shorter than estimated time by manufacturer. With insulation this age can be extended for a long period. This extension of age results in saving a big amount of your investment on equipment.

Read: – All About warehouse insulation


As insulation maintenance is presented as the solution to machines or equipment it can not increase their age, it will also increase the efficiency. This regularity in checking for the defects in work-flow of the machines increases your product quality too.

Safe and Sound:

There are several cases happened in industrial facilities all because of the poor preventive maintenance schedules. Burn hazard is one of the most frequently occurring in the plants. By installing some insulation jackets a plant can stop there hazards by spending a few hundred dollars more. So with this you are not saving the life of your equipment but also the life of the workers on that machine.

Eliminating Corrosion:

Moisture, one core enemy of all kinds of equipment. If you failed just slightly you can see how much a little thing like moisture can be dangerous. A little introduction of moisture for a long can cause corrosion to machine parts, that can reduce the age of the machine to half very easily. So introducing a proactive maintenance to equipment on time to time basis can solve these kind of problems very easily.

Read: – Insulation for building constructions

Seeing Through The Time:

So if you are tying things near a fixed budget then you have to consider all the things that can cost you a fortune in future. This is where you need to see through the time. But sometimes people do not count maintenance in this list but now you know should. Stopping a problem a lot before it takes place your power here that enables you to see through the time. So try to keep the insulation maintenance done frequently so that you can save a lot by not losing your machines and investing them in growing you venture strong.

How and Why to Insulate your Home this Winter

The winter is knocking at the door, and people at home have started preparing for keeping their home warm and cozy. The traditional approaches that were once popular like open-coal fire, kerosene lamps, and indoor small room heaters are replaced with modern heating appliances and insulation techniques. These techniques are far efficient and effective regarding durability, maintenance cost, and installation cost.

Thermal insulation is being popular among urban society because of its prominent advantage that it reduces energy consumption and provide environment-friendly solutions. In this article, we will learn about the need to insulate your home and the best ways to insulate your homes to prevent heat escape.

What is the Need to Insulate your Home?

Insulation creates a protective barrier around the homes that prevent the heat transfer from the outer space into the inner space of the house. The thermal insulation on the wall, over the roof and beneath the floor, helps to reduce the amount of heat loss during winter and keeps heat out of the house in the warm days.

Thus, thermal insulation takes the place of Air Conditioners in summers and Heaters in winters. Leading to a subsequent cost-cutting in the utility bills and saving a considerable amount of energy that is put in maintaining the desired temperature in winters and summers.

How to Keep your Home Warm?

To maximize the effect of thermal insulation, we need to analyze the condition of the house, R-value and the types of thermal insulation materials. Depending on the requirements, you can implement any of these two insulation techniques; roof insulation and wall insulation. Furthermore, a combination of these insulations can maximize the insulation effect.

  • Roof Insulation

The most vulnerable area of your house from where there is a high probability of heat transfer is the roof. Around 25% of the heat is lost through the roof and thus, applying roof insulation is the primary procedure that you should implement in your house. To reduce the heat escape, roof insulation materials are used. To enhance the insulation quality, you can also insulate the loft area with either fiberglass or rock wool.

  • Wall Insulation

Homes with two layers of bricks between the outer world and inner rooms creates a cavity and thus known as cavity walls. These cavities are filled with an insulating material to stop heat transfer.  Usually, these air gaps are filled with either expanding foams or loosely-packed, air-filled materials such as recycled papers, vermiculite or fiberglass. This type of insulation is also known as cavity-wall insulation.


Types of Thermal Insulation Materials for Winters

    Batt and Roll:

These materials consist of fiberglass and are possible insulation material for attic insulation.

    Loose Fill:

It can insulate the attic and small crawl spaces as it is a filler. Loose fill is used to fill up the areas that have little traffic.


Spray foam insulation is a wet and expandable liquid that gets dry afterwards.  This is an effective way to insulate the areas where you can’t reach or invisible to the naked eyes. It is easy to apply and cost-effective at the same time.


If you start feeling cold in winters inside your houses, then it is the sign that you should go for thermal insulation. Implement the most appropriation heat insulation material to trap the heat inside your houses and make it warm and comfortable. Moreover, you can hire insulation contractors that are professionals and provide diverse thermal insulation services. Remember insulation is the basic need to attain a perfect insulation and reduce energy consumption.

5 Benefits of Warehouse Insulation All You Need To Know

Insulating a warehouse or any other similar commercial building can save up to $9.5 billion in energy costs annually. It’s huge, right? You can also save a major portion of your money from going into utility bills through Warehouse Insulation . And how to save the energy consumption, we are going to learn in this article.

In this article we will get to know the following things:

  • Reasons to insulate your warehouse
  • Types of suitable warehouse insulation
  • The best way to insulate your warehouse


What is insulation sheet?

An insulate sheet, also known as an insulation sheet, is a material specifically designed to enhance the thermal resistance and energy efficiency of buildings or structures. These sheets are typically composed of various insulating materials such as foam board, fiberglass, or reflective foil.

The primary purpose of an insulate sheet is to reduce heat transfer, keeping indoor spaces warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. It accomplishes this by creating a barrier that inhibits the movement of heat through walls, ceilings, roofs, or windows. This helps homeowners and building occupants maintain a more comfortable and energy-efficient environment while reducing heating and cooling costs.

Insulate sheets come in various forms, including rigid boards, flexible rolls, and reflective bubble wrap. The choice of insulating material and form depends on specific application needs and local climate conditions.

Overall, insulate sheets are a crucial component in modern construction and retrofitting efforts, playing a significant role in sustainable building practices and energy conservation. They are instrumental in creating well-insulated, energy-efficient, and environmentally-friendly structures. So let’s address the points one by one.

Benefits of Insulate your Warehouse

The cost that you pay for the utility bills is much more than that of the investment you put in warehouse insulation. Thus, insulating the warehouse is important for attaining stable and desirable conditions.

Following are the reasons to insulate the warehouse.

1. Reduce Cooling and Heating Costs:

Recently, architectures and the designers are constructing the warehouses using pre-engineered building designs. Pre-engineered buildings consist of metal frames and walls that are easy to construct and cost-efficient. But the only drawback it offers is poor quality in maintaining the interior conditions.

Metal warehouses consume a large amount of energy to maintain the desired temperature. Thus, a perfect insulation layer with suitable R-value is applied to the ceiling, exterior, and interior walls. Insulation helps in keeping the air inside the building and prevents or blocks the movement of air.

2. Reduce Emissions:

Well, a major concern these days is to improve the environmental conditions by reducing the carbon emissions. Insulation helps to reduce the energy consumptions which further leads to a reduction in fuel consumption which is essential for heating and cooling. Thus, leading to a lower carbon emission from your end.

3. Enhance HVAC System Performance:

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) System requires more repair and maintenance when they work excessively and continuously for a longer duration. Insulation helps to reduce the cost that is put in the maintenance of the HVAC system.

Get Insulation Sheet for Warehouse

4. Reduce Unwanted Noise:

Insulation provides more than just a barrier to heat transfer. It is a perfect remedy to reduce external noise.

5. Comfortable and Healthier Work Place:

To enhance the productivity and quality of the work, it is necessary to create a healthier environment. Warehouse insulation gives a comfortable and cozy workplace for the employees.

Types of suitable Warehouse Insulation

There are a variety of insulation types and insulation materials available in the market. But insulation depends on various factors like climatic conditions, demography, usage of the warehouse, etc.

Following are the insulation types suitable of warehouse:

1. Cellulose Insulation:

It consists of about 80% recycled materials and is environmentally friendly. You can use cellulose to insulate the walls for your commercial buildings or warehouses.

2. Fiberglass Insulation:

Fiberglass sandwiched between two layers of foil is effective in providing heat insulation. They are installed below the roof deck for achieving better insulation. Fiberglass insulation is available in either loose-fill or blanket form.

3. Radiant Barrier Insulation:

Radiant barrier offers a great reflection to the radiant heat coming from the sun. It helps to keep the warehouse cool as it doesn’t absorb the heat but reflect it back to space. Installing on the warehouse roof, radiant barriers are very useful if you utilize your warehouse for storing things that require low temperature. It consists of reflective material like foil.

4. Spray Foam Insulation:

The liquid of Polyurethane is sprayed evenly on the walls or attic, it expands as it is applied and peeks into the cracks and unreachable places. It blocks each and every crack, gaps, etc. which lets air exchange between the exterior and interior spaces.

5. Vinyl insulation:

It is a synthetic plastic consisting of polyvinyl chloride. It is a versatile material which is used for making seat covers, window frames, phonograph records, etc. Vinyl insulation is moisture and humidity resistant. It is durable and strong insulation material for commercial metal buildings.

Talk to Experts for Any Query

What are the Best ways to Insulate your Warehouse?

There can be two choices; either you insulate yourself by doing DIY steps or call the insulation contractors for doing it professionally. Well, DIY is possible if you are insulating a small space like home, garage etc. But for a space as big for a warehouse, it is not possible for an individual to do it the right way.

On the other hand, professional insulation contractors can analyze the surroundings and implement best-suited insulation material. They can install insulation layer with perfection and also provide a cost-effective solution for your requirements.


Insulation plays an important part in preventing heat transfer, moisture retention and helping to maintain desirable interior conditions.  Warehouse insulation is necessary to maintain the quality of the products that you store in the warehouse for a long duration. We suggest taking advice from an expert on providing perfect thermal insulation conditions for your warehouse.


1. What is Insulation in Warehouse?

Insulation in a warehouse refers to the use of materials to minimize heat transfer, helping to maintain stable indoor temperatures, reduce energy costs, and protect stored goods from temperature fluctuations.

2. Why is Insulation Important in Commercial Buildings?

Insulation in commercial buildings is crucial to conserve energy, improve comfort, and reduce heating and cooling expenses, making it a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly choice.

3. How can we Reduce Heat in Warehouse?

To reduce heat in a warehouse, consider using reflective roof coatings, insulating walls and ceilings, installing proper ventilation, and using high-efficiency lighting systems.

4. What is the Best Insulation for a Warehouse?

The best insulation for a warehouse depends on factors like climate, budget, and specific needs. Options include fiberglass, spray foam, and reflective insulation, tailored to the building’s requirements.

What is Attic Insulation: Types, Cost, Benefits in 2024

Attic Insulation is a burgeoning concept that helps maintain a comfortable temperature inside a house or any premises. The attic is the place in any house that causes the maximum heat loss, allowing a lower temperature to enter the house. No matter what heating means we are using in our home to keep the place warmer, as long as attic space is not insulated with the right material, heat will keep moving out of the house through the attic. So, attic thermal insulation is considered the best solution to address this problem. With this concept, the attic space is insulated with the right insulation material that keeps the heat locked in the premises to maintain a comfortable temperature inside the house.

The attic insulation market around the world holds a valuation of $65.9 billion in 2022 which is all set to show a CAGR of 7.5% during the forecasted period. The same market is expected to touch a valuation of $117.4 billion by 2030. Different attic insulation types can be installed according to the particular needs and preferences of the home and homeowner. Similarly, the attic insulation price is also different according to the different types. Let’s delve into different types of attic insulation, and find the answers to how they enhance the living experience in a premises, and how they deliver a great financial benefit to the owners. This article explores attic insulation in 2024, covering various types available, associated costs, and the benefits of effective insulation solutions. Stay informed about the latest advancements and trends in attic insulation for optimal energy efficiency and comfort in your home.

What is Attic Insulation?

Attic Insulation is the technique that focuses on preventing heat loss through the attic space of any premises. So, any means of heater being used inside the house can be utilized to its fullest as no loss of heat is being lost through the roof. By decreasing the use of heaters, this method enables us to save a lot on electricity bills. Attic Thermal insulation can be used in different types of premises including residential homes, commercial buildings, public buildings, agricultural buildings, as well as recreational vehicles (RVs) and mobile homes. Also, there are multiple attic insulation types like fiberglass insulation, cellulose insulation, spray foam insulation, radiant barrier insulation, etc. which are used according to requirements and preference of material.

5+ Types of Attic Insulation

There are several attic insulation types insulation services, each with its own characteristics, advantages, and considerations. The choice of insulation type often depends on factors such as the climate of your region, budget constraints, and the specific characteristics of your attic. Here are some common types of attic insulation:

Type of Attic Thermal Insulation Description Materials Pros Cons
Fiberglass Insulation Made from tiny glass fibers; available in batts, rolls, or loose-fill form. Glass fibers Cost-effective, easy to install, does not degrade over time. May irritate skin and eyes during installation; proper protective gear recommended.
Cellulose Insulation Typically made from recycled paper or plant-based materials; treated with fire retardants. Recycled paper or plant-based materials Environmentally friendly, good thermal performance, can be blown or sprayed into attics. May settle over time, potentially reducing effectiveness.
Spray Foam Insulation Liquid that expands into foam when applied; can be open-cell or closed-cell. Polyurethane or other foam materials Excellent air barrier, high R-value, fills gaps and cracks effectively. More expensive than other types; professional installation often required.
Mineral Wool Insulation Made from rock or slag fibers; available in batts or loose-fill. Rock or slag fibers Fire-resistant, moisture-resistant, provides sound insulation. Heavier and more expensive compared to fiberglass insulation.
Radiant Barrier Insulation Reflects heat away from the living space; often a foil-faced reflective barrier. Reflective materials like foil Effective in reducing radiant heat transfer; can be used with other insulation. Primarily addresses radiant heat; may not be sufficient as the sole insulation method in all climates.
Rigid Foam Insulation Made from polystyrene, polyisocyanurate, or polyurethane; comes in boards or panels. Polystyrene, polyisocyanurate, or polyurethane High R-value per inch, moisture-resistant, versatile applications. More expensive than other types; proper installation is crucial.


How To Insulate an Attic?


Installing attic Thermal insulation is a DIY-friendly project, but it requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here’s a general guide on how to install attic insulation, keeping in mind that specific steps may vary depending on the insulation type you choose:

Tools and Materials of Attic Thermal Insulation

  • Insulation Material: Choose the insulation material that suits your needs (e.g., fiberglass batts, blown-in cellulose, spray foam, etc.).
  • Protective Gear: Wear safety equipment, including gloves, a mask, safety glasses, and appropriate clothing.
  • Measuring Tape: Measure the attic space to determine the amount of insulation needed.
  • Utility Knife or Scissors: For cutting insulation materials to fit around obstacles.
  • Straight Edge or Rafter Guide: Helps in cutting insulation accurately.
  • Baffles (if needed): Install soffit baffles to maintain proper ventilation.
  • Caulk or Foam Sealant: Seal any air leaks or gaps before installing insulation.

      Steps to Insulate an Attic Insulation

      1. Evaluate Your Existing Insulation: Before investing in attic insulation, assess the current state of your insulation. Identify the type, thickness, and condition to calculate its R-value, a measure of thermal resistance. Compare this value to the Department of Energy’s recommended level for your climate to determine if an upgrade is needed. Additionally, inspect for mold, water damage, or compression in existing insulation, as these factors can reduce effectiveness. Be cautious of asbestos in homes built before 1990, especially if insulation appears loose, lightweight, and contains shiny flecks.
      2. Select the Appropriate Insulation Type: Consider your household’s specific needs and circumstances when choosing insulation based on factors such as soundproofing, fire resistance, insect control, susceptibility to moisture, and budget. Common types include loose-fill insulation, batt insulation, spray foam insulation, and rigid foam insulation. Each type has unique applications and benefits, catering to different attic conditions and DIY preferences.
      3. Check for Rebates:Explore potential incentives for creating an energy-efficient home. Some state-specific energy departments offer rebates or incentives. Refer to the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency or contact your utility provider to discover available deals in your area.
      4. Install a Vapor Barrier: If your chosen insulation lacks a built-in vapor barrier, install one separately. Position the barrier closest to the warm side of the insulation, fitting it neatly between joists and sealing seams with foil tape to prevent moisture infiltration.
      5. Start with the Attic Floor: Commence insulation by adding a layer to the attic floor, an economical and straightforward method. Remove plywood flooring, exposing floor joists, and layer new insulation atop existing material. Note that this may reduce attic storage space.
      6. Install Insulation: Follow specific instructions for your chosen materials and adhere to these tips:
        • Start at outer walls and work inward to minimize damage to new materials.
        • Achieve the target R-value with a uniform depth of insulation.
        • When using loose-fill insulation, block off work areas to prevent material escape.
        • For batts, lay heavier materials without compressing lower layers.
        • Cut batts neatly around obstructions to avoid compression.
        • Insulate entry points with rigid foam and weather-stripping.
        • For complex tasks or electrical work, consult a professional and adhere to local building codes.

      Schedule a Consultation to Upgrade your Attic Insulation.


      Attic Insulation Price

      The attic insulation price can vary based on several factors, including the type of insulation material, the size of the attic, labor costs in your region, and any additional considerations such as ventilation or moisture control. The thicker the insulation, the better the R-value and the higher the price. Common thicknesses range from 25mm to 150mm. Here are some general estimates for the cost of different types of attic insulation:

      • Radiant Barrier Foil: This is the most affordable option, costing around Rs.60 per square meter. However, it’s only effective against radiant heat and not conductive heat.
      • Fiberglass Batts: A popular choice, costing between Rs.150 to Rs.300 per square meter. It’s good for both radiant and conductive heat.
      • Rockwool Batts: More fire-resistant than fiberglass but also more expensive, costing around Rs.300 to Rs.500 per square meter.
      • Spray Foam: The most expensive option, but also the most effective, costing around Rs.700 to Rs.1500 per square meter.


      Benefits of Attic Insulation

      • Cost Savings: Proper attic insulation helps retain heat, preventing it from escaping through the roof. The U.S. Department of Energy highlights that over 50% of energy in a typical home is used for heating and cooling, and poorly insulated attics contribute to energy wastage. By ensuring proper insulation, homeowners can save hundreds of dollars annually on energy bills.
      • Enhanced Comfort:Improved attic insulation maintains a consistent indoor temperature, preventing heat loss during winters and keeping cool air in during summers. This leads to more comfortable living spaces and eliminates uneven room temperatures caused by outside air infiltration.
      • Extended HVAC System Lifespan: With effective attic insulation, your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system operates more efficiently. Reduced workload on the system extends its lifespan, promoting long-term durability and reliability.
      • Increased Property Value: Installing quality attic insulation is an investment that not only cuts energy costs but also boosts the resale value of your home. According to real estate experts, the return on investment for attic insulation can be as high as 95%.
      • Improved Indoor Air Quality:Attic insulation acts as a barrier against contaminants such as pest droppings, dust, mold, and fumes from building materials. This enhances indoor air quality by preventing pollutants from entering living spaces, promoting a healthier environment and reducing allergy triggers.
      • Prevention of Moisture Issues: Well-insulated attics are less prone to moisture accumulation, crucial for preventing issues like ice dams in colder climates. Moisture can lead to damage in walls, ceilings, insulation, and promote mold growth.
      • Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation: Reduced energy consumption, achieved through effective insulation, not only translates to lower utility bills but also contributes to decreased emissions. By minimizing your carbon footprint, proper attic insulation makes a modest yet collectively significant contribution to global climate change mitigation efforts.



      In conclusion, implementing efficient attic insulation is a vital step towards creating a more comfortable and energy-efficient home environment. By exploring various types of attic insulation services, homeowners can tailor their choice based on factors like climate, budget, and specific requirements. While considering the benefits of improved indoor air quality, extended HVAC system lifespan, and a potential increase in property value, it’s crucial to weigh the upfront attic insulation price against long-term energy savings.

      Ultimately, attic Thermal insulation not only provides immediate advantages in terms of cost savings and enhanced comfort but also contributes to the sustainability and resilience of your Insulated home. Whether you opt for professional insulation services or undertake a DIY approach, the investment in proper attic insulation is a step towards a more energy-efficient, comfortable, and environmentally responsible living space.

      FAQ about Attic Thermal Insulation

      1. How to insulate an attic?

      Insulating an attic for improved energy efficiency, comfort, and attic thermal insulation involves a systematic process. Begin by assessing current insulation, seal air leaks, and ensure proper attic ventilation. Choose insulation materials like fiberglass, cellulose, spray foam, or rigid foam, and measure the attic’s square footage for accurate material purchase. Prioritize safety with protective gear, initiate insulation on the attic floor, and consider layering or replacement as needed. Install a vapor barrier if required, insulate entry points to prevent air leakage, and follow specific tips for the chosen material. Consider professional assistance for optimal results, explore potential rebates, and achieve energy savings for a more comfortable home environment with enhanced attic insulation.

      2. What Type of Insulation Can I Use in My Attic?

      When installing loose-fill insulation in an unfinished attic, begin by filling the space between joists, starting from the walls and gradually moving toward the center of the room or the attic entryway. Ensure that as you fill around obstacles, such as vents, rafter vents are left uncovered to maintain proper ventilation.

      3. What is best attic insulation?

      The best insulation for an attic depends on factors like budget, climate, and personal preferences. Common options include fiberglass for its cost-effectiveness and ease of installation, cellulose for its environmental friendliness and thermal performance, and spray foam for its excellent air barrier properties. The choice ultimately hinges on specific attic characteristics and insulation requirements. Consulting with insulation professionals can help tailor the selection to your unique needs.

      4. How do I insulate my attic myself?

      Indeed, batt and roll-style insulation is known for its simplicity in installation. When installing, carry the insulation unrolled to the attic and begin rolling it out, starting from the corner farthest away from the hatch. It’s crucial to use unfaced batts for attic insulation. Tuck the insulation into the gaps between the joists and studs, ensuring a snug fit for optimal effectiveness.

      5. How does attic insulation work?

      Attic insulation serves a dual purpose by absorbing the heat generated by heating systems in winter and preventing hot air from spreading through the home from the attic during the summer. This helps in maintaining a comfortable temperature indoors and optimizing energy efficiency.

      6. What is the purpose of an attic?

      Attics play a crucial role in temperature control within a house by serving as a large mass of slowly moving air. Typically used for storage, attics can retain hot air rising from the lower floors of a building, contributing to their reputation as potentially inhospitable environments. This dynamic aids in regulating indoor temperatures and managing the flow of air throughout the house.

How Efficient are Radiant Heat Barrier in Saving Energy

As the climatic conditions are changing with the time due to various ecological changes like global warming, increase in pollution, smog, dust, etc., the demand of a barrier between an exterior and interior spaces increases. People are looking for different techniques that can be helpful in reducing the consumption of energy and provide highly efficient thermal insulation.

Radiant barriers or reflective insulation materials provide cooling effective during hot climate. Without the proper attic insulation or roof insulation materials, solar heat will transfer to the living spaces and will make discomfort to you. Of course, you can have Air Conditioners in your homes but that is only going to consume energy and add to your utility billings.

Thus, radiant barriers are the perfect solution to fight with the hot climatic conditions and have a cooler environment in your home or work space. But how much they are effective and how it works? We are going to learn in this article.

How Radiant Barrier Work?

Radiant heat transfer is the most dominating mode among three heat transfer mode i.e. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation. It is the transmission of the electromagnetic rays through space to your living space. The rays are commonly infrared rays and their origin is the sun.

Radiant barrier is consist of reflective sheets, generally aluminum and non-toxic light-weighted material which is easy to handle and install. Usually, radiant barrier alone is inefficient to provide a high-quality insulation. Thus, they make a part of a large assembly which consist of other roof insulation or attic insulation materials like foam, fiberglass or cellulose.

Radiant barriers are reflective and light-color coated roofing sheets insulation materials that solve the purpose of overheating in the house. They are applied to either on the existing insulation or under the roof surface. Radiant barriers reduce the heat transfer and 95% of the radiant heat that directly fall on the roof surface during daytime.

To block or reflect the heat energy radiant barrier utilizes to physical properties of aluminum, they are:


Aluminum or any reflective surface sends back or reflect the rays striking to their surface back to space. Thus, blocking 95% of heat rays to enter your living space.


The emissivity of a material is the effectiveness of radiating its energy as thermal radiation. In simple terms, radiant barrier’s own heat. Radiant materials should have a low range of emissivity, generally ranging from 0.1 or less. In general, low emissivity property of a reflective surface that is facing an air space results in low emittance of heat from the surface of the material.


 Factors to remember before installing a radiant barrier

Implementing a radiant barrier in your building is surely advantageous but to enhance the effectiveness of the radiant barrier insulation, you need to analyze a few parameters. Here are some factors that can boost the cooling effect in your building.

  1. Type of existing insulation:

    A good insulation has R-value. If your insulation has high R-value then it is referred to be as efficient insulation material. If your roof or attic is already insulated earlier with a high value of the material, like R-30 then your radiant barrier will block major heat transfer. However, if R-value is below R-30 then 40% reduction in roof or attic heat will transfer through radiant barriers.

  2. Demographic location:

    A major factor that decides the effectiveness of your radiant barrier is the location where you live. If you live in hot climatic conditions, then you will immediately notice the cost cuttings in your energy consumption and your radiant barrier will work efficiently. Although radiant barrier works in cold weather to maintain the heat inside the room, however, it will not be effective as its major strength is noticeable in the hot climatic condition.

  3. Air Space:

    Radiant barriers must have at least one air space of minimum 3/4th of an inch on either side. Airspace is necessary to block the conductive heat transfer. If there is no air space then conductive heat transfer will take place from the surface touching the radiant barrier. Thus, it is a MUST to have an air space.

Application of radiant barriers

There are many applications of radiant barriers in providing efficient thermal insulation at a different place.

 Space Exploration:

To protect the spacecraft, astronauts, and equipment from thermal radiations in the pace.

Window Treatments:

To attain a low emissivity, window glasses are coated with radiant barriers.

Roof and Attic Insulation:

Radiant barriers enhance the thermal insulation in the living space and offer a comfortable space.



Thermal insulation can be achieved through various approaches depending on the demand of the climatic conditions, requirements, the position of installation and thermal insulation materials availability. Radiant barriers work well along with other insulation materials to obtain a high degree of thermal stability in your building.

It is important that before taking any step towards installing radiant barriers, take an advice from the thermal insulation contractors or suppliers in India, to gain potential knowledge about the best-fitted solution for your building.

What are the Types of Thermal Insulation for Hot Climates

If you are reading this article then probably in your region the sun is extra bright and strong in the hot weather like in major part of north India. Insulation in such an area where the temperature rises above 35°C becomes a must to maintain a cool and comfortable environment inside the building. It will not only block the heat transfer but will also reduce the energy consumption required to cool the buildings.

We are very much aware of the fact that in hot weather, we frequently face electricity cut downs for hours. In this circumstances, we require an alternative to maintain a comfortable temperature all year long.

Many people are misinformed about the thermal insulation, that it only keeps your building warm during cold weather. However, thermal insulation helps to slow down the heat transfer rate between two temperature varied spaces. Thus, it prevents overheating of the building during hot climatic conditions.

In this article, we will learn about the thermal insulation types that are best for the hot climatic condition.

Thermal Insulation Types for a Hot Climate

It is important that you implement the correct type of insulation after researching and analyzing the available insulations that are suitable for hot weather. It is better to take an advice or hire insulation services as they have a vast knowledge about the Indian climatic conditions. There are mainly 4 categories that are preferred by the thermal insulation contractors in India, they are as given below.

Radiant Barrier

This is the best insulation type as it rarely allows any heat transfer through the material. A radiant barrier reflects the energy and prevents heat transfer efficiency. To make a radiant barrier more efficient and an extra layer of insulation inside the attics. This will help in making more comfortable and cooling conditions inside the building.

Rolled Batt

If your budget is limited and you want to deal with the heat with the simplest approach, then roll batt is the best choice. Roll batts come in yellow or pink rolls and they are installed with the help of staple guns. It is installed between the wall studs and rafters for cooling down the inside temperature.

Spray Foam

Spray foam has an incredible property of expanding into cracks and gaps into the wall. Thus, covering every single inch and providing excellent insulation from the external environment. Spray foam has high R-value thus, offers high resistance to heat transfer. It is advisable to get a consultation from an experienced insulation contractor because it requires high-level of technique to implement the insulation.

Loose Fill

Another name of loose fill insulation is “blow in insulation”. It is a great option for attic walls and floors. The spaces where you can’t reach to insulate properly, loose fill can easily reach. A machine blows loose fill into the spaces, filling each corner in the wall and floors to apply in every corner.

Tips to Opt to Amplify the Insulation Effect in Hot Climate

If you have implemented a good insulation material in your building, then you can boost their effect by following these tips.

  •     Use blinds, drapes or reflective material on the windows to minimize the impact of solar gain because of the Sun.
  •     Air conditioners definitely make a pleasant cool living space but then it is an expensive approach to fight back hot weather. It consumes a significant amount of electricity and adds the cost of maintenance. Thus, rather than exceeding the budget of your expenses, try to opt the DIY for your home.
  •  Try to turn off the unnecessary electronic items that produce a lot of heat. Apart from this, put water in a tray and put under the fan. Yes, it does work and comes with no cost.
  •     Allow proper air circulation in the buildings. Open all windows at the night time to have an effective air circulation.


So, is insulation is important in the hot weather? Yes! Of course, it is important. Because it not only insulate the building from the external hot climate but it reduces a huge amount of energy. You will definitely run your AC for a lesser time and will save a considerable amount of expenses. A poorly insulated roof or attic or wall is cooler in winters and hotter in summer. Thus, a good thermal insulation is a must to protect your building and enhance your living comforts.

Why Should You Insulate Basement of Your House? Pros and Cons

When we talk about basements, the first thing that strikes in the mind is “Store Room”. A place to keep all used or unwanted or occasionally used items. We find basement not so important to give it an extra care or invest an extra cent to maintain it. Moreover, we never ponder on a thought to insulate the basement, are we?

But after reading this blog, we assure that you will again give a second thought on insulating your basement. Do you know that discriminating or taking a chance with proper insulation of your basement can cost you heavily?  What if we tell you that basement insulation actually improves the overall energy efficiency of your home! It also reduces consumption of energy, eliminates moisture retention on the walls and roofs.

So, let’s understand how we can manage our house thermal stability with the help of thermal insulation.

Basement Insulation

Basement insulation is not a rocket science but a proven skillful thermal insulation technique to implement high-quality thermal insulation material evenly on the desired area. The current buildings are having inbuilt thermal insulated basements. However, the already existing buildings are required to opt these energy-efficient approaches to insulate their basements.

Here are some questions to ask before insulating basement to give an affirmative response to your queries related to the insulation of the basement.

  • What is the state of your house thermal stability? You need to have a home energy audit to get an idea of the exact thermal insulation required in your home to save energy consumption.
  • If you have existing insulation, then what is the R-value of it? R-value is the measure of the capabilities of an object to resist the heat flow. The thermal insulation materials are present in various density and thickness. The more the thickness the better the thermal insulation.

It is obvious with the fact that there is a significant amount of air leakage through the walls, roofs, ceilings, vents, etc. Maintaining the thermal condition inside the house during the winter is difficult because heat travels from higher temperature to lower temperature. Basement being at the lower temperature condition, the heat travels from the rooms which are cozy and are at a high temperature. Thus, it becomes utmost important to insulate the basement with a high-quality thermal insulating material.

Which Part to Insulate in the Basement?

There are three major places where insulation is effective: exterior wall, interior walls, and ceilings. The best insulation placement depends on how the basement is used, also it depends on if the building is already existing or you are constructing a new building. However, you can use a combination of insulation to get the best result.

  • Wall insulation: Wall insulation is the most vital part of the basement insulation because the maximum amount of heat is transferred through walls, especially if your surrounding climatic conditions are colder in the winter season.
  • Ceiling insulation: A general way to insulate the ceiling of your building’s basement is fiberglass bat insulation. It will make the space in the basement much warmer and thermally stable.
  • Floor insulation: When we start constructing a building, we make sure that the foundation is strong and don’t allow any kind of leakage in the building. Moisture retention can be a major issue if the floor is lacking proper insulation. Thus, insulation contractors in India recommend floor insulation for the existing buildings and also for the buildings that are under construction.

Pros of Basement Insulation

–    Maintain Thermal Stability:

Insulation prevents air leakage and heat transfer. It boosts comfort and helps in cost cutting of the utility bills.

–    Control Moisture:

Moisture enters through the ground and foundation. This moisture gets trap in the basement due to lack of proper ventilation. Thus, a simple SPF foam sprayed onto inside wall can prevent moisture intrusion. For exterior insulation, fiberglass is the first choice.

–    Prevents Freezing of Water Pipes:

Areas where mercury drops frequently, water pipes get frozen easily in the basements. Thus, basement insulation is the best and cost-effective solution.

–    Reduces Energy Consumption:

When you insulate the basement, there is no place for heat to escape. Thus, maintains the desired temperature in the building which further cut down the energy consumption during variable climatic conditions.

Cons of Basement Insulation

  • Cost of Installation:

    The cost is a variable quantity, highly depending on the type of thermal insulation material and the area (dimensions) required to insulate. However, the maintenance cost is 100% more than the initial cost of installation.

  • Degradation of Exterior Insulation:

    The most common reason for the destruction or degradation of the external wall installation is insect infestation. Because of the direct contact to the external surrounding, insulation is highly susceptible to degradation.

  • Improper installation:

    If the insulation contractor or agency is not having proper experience then, there will be loopholes in insulating your building. Thus, choose wisely a thermal insulation contractor to get the best services.


Basement insulation is surely an important factor to consider while insulating other parts of the building and especially if that building is your comfy house. You might think that thermal insulation is a costly approach or investment but if you are in a construction phase then it will not cost you much compared to the other investments. It surely enhances the lifespan of the building and reduces the post-maintenance costs. Live comfortably and save your energy consumption to reduce your expenses.

Benefits of Pre-Engineered Buildings and How to Insulate Them

From small businesses to large heavy machinery industries are choosing pre-engineered buildings over concrete buildings. The reason is very simple, they are easy to construct and are cost-effective. A pre-engineered building is designed by using best-suited raw materials depending on the structural and aesthetic requirements. That is why they offer robust and strong structural designs suiting various industrial needs. In this article we will discuss the following points:

  • What is a pre-engineered building?
  • Benefits of using pre-engineered buildings.
  • What are the thermal insulation techniques for insulating pre-engineered buildings?

What is a pre-engineered building?

Pre-engineered building (PEB) are custom computer-aided designs which are simply engineered metal buildings. These buildings are easy, fast and cost-effective to develop. Pre-engineered buildings are steel structures which are built over a structural concept of having wall cladding, roof sheeting, primary framing system, secondary framing system, and accessories.

PEB is best-suited for construction sites or large industries or manufacturing units. It is also used in earthquake-prone areas to build the houses.

Benefits of Using Pre-Engineered Buildings

There are many benefits of using pre-engineered buildings over concrete buildings, few of them are as follows:

Less Construction Time:

The use of high-quality steel, tapered build-up sections, light gauge steel section, etc. makes the overall process extremely light weighted and cost-effective. Apart from this, the pre-engineered building designs are computerized design programs. Using automatic machinery for welding, multi-cutting torches, the production line to fasten the procedure of construction. These buildings take 50% less time than usual.

Simple Foundation:

Pre-engineered buildings are easy to construct and are lighter in weight as they are 30%-40% lighter than conventional steel structures.


The building design after construction is expandable for the future needs or additional requirements. The modification or changes in the physical design like height or width are easily changeable, unlike concrete buildings.

High- Quality Assurance:

As the production line is highly automated and under great supervision, thus, the quality of products is assured.

Energy- Efficient:

This is the exclusive feature of a pre-engineered building. As they are energy efficient, they save up to 70% of energy consumption, thus reduces electricity expenses.

What are the thermal insulation techniques for insulating pre-engineered buildings?

To make the metal building energy efficient it is important to create a thermal barrier and air barrier. It is unavoidable to prevent the temperature stability if there will be heat transfer through the walls, roofs/lofts, ceiling, vents, etc. Thus, it is important to provide the heat insulation to the buildings. Metal building insulation provides a barrier to exterior sounds, heat, dust, and moisture hence improves the energy efficiency of the building.

There are many thermal insulation materials available in the market which offers high insulating characteristics. But when we talk about pre-engineered building insulation then there are two main insulating materials, that is:

Fiber Insulation:

Fiberglass provides an excellent insulation to the pre-engineered buildings. It provides insulation to thermal and acoustical for walls, roofs, and ceilings. Fiberglass comes in many forms like batt, loose-fill, and roll form. Fiberglass can be made from recycled glass and it offers insulation to diverse parts of the building.

Rock and mineral wool insulation provides high resistance to fire and is used to the insulated floor, ceiling or walls. Another fiber insulation product – Cellulose insulation is used in a loose-fill form to insulate attics, walls, and floors. Cellulose have high resistance to air leakage thus, provides better roof insulation, under deck roof insulation, etc.


Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate have high R-value, thus are better insulating materials. Polyurethane foam is primarily used to block the air leakage and insulate efficiently. These foaming products are less polluting and harmful to the environment and offer cost-effective solutions.

Insulating Techniques for Pre-Engineered Buildings

Steel or metal buildings are incapable of protecting from the outside climatic conditions. Thus, supportive insulation materials are required to enhance the thermal stability. In general, there are four insulating techniques that are used to protect the pre-engineered buildings.

Batt and Blanket Insulation:

Batt insulation is inexpensive and offers effective wall insulation. It consists of rock wool or fiberglass processed to form a mineral fiber. Batt and blanket insulation are used for walls, floor, ceiling insulation. They have an R-value of R-3 per inch.

Loose-fill Insulation:

It is perfect insulation techniques to block the air leakage and reduce unwanted noise from outside. It wills every corner and space in the cavities thus, provides effective thermal insulation. Loose-fill insulation consists of loose fiber pallets or fibers and is blown into the building cavities with an equipment. The R-value lies between R-3 to R-4 per inch. This insulating technique can be a little expensive than other techniques.

Spray Foam Insulation:

It provides a perfect floor, ceiling, and wall insulation. With the help spray technique, liquid form of polyurethane is sprayed on to the wall or ceiling or floor. The mixture expands as it is sprayed and then convert into solid air-filled cells of plastic. This technique is advantageous to buildings having shaped designs or some complex structures.

Reflective Foil Bubble Insulation:

This is the most effective form of thermal insulation technique. It provides a dry, clean and easy installation of the insulation material. Reflective foil bubble insulation sheet provides a barrier to moisture, radiation, reflects heat, and dust. Bubble insulation sheets give roof insulation offering temperature stability in the building during the change in the environment.

It reflects 90% – 95% of radiant heat and offers waterproof insulation. The reflective foil bubble insulation sheets are strong, light weighted and flexible.


Proving roof insulation, heat insulation or any other insulation to your pre-engineered building entirely depends to the requirements for which the building will be required and on the climatic conditions of the region.Thus, it is important to consult insulation constructor or thermal insulation providing service companies for better guidance. In the market, there are many insulation materials and insulating techniques are available. Thus, depending on your business requirements or personal demands, choose the perfect insulation technique and material for your pre-engineered building.


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